Sunday, May 18, 2008

WHY I'm Not A Malay?

Hmm finally my friend ask me to explain to all on the topic of why I'm not a Malay!..coz last Friday night we having this discussion where i eventually make her understand why I'm not a Malay...why i choose not to be a Malay...and why i dun care about Malay's Pride and anything that surrounding Malay world..the real Reason behind this so Called "GREAT TREASON" is because of I do not believe in the word/polarisation/class war/gap Called "RACE"...and since the title of this article is WHY I'M NOT A what RACE am I??..Chinese? NO!, Indian?, NO!, Arabs?, NO!, Jews? NO! Sikh?, NO!, Eurasian?, NO!, African?, NO! so WHAT RACE I AM???...the answer is I'm and Human Race, yeah I'm human race and proud of it...
so whats the point of wrote this article today?..the point here is i wanna explain to all who eventually read my blog understand as i'm gonna explain this once repetition hehehhe(as if u people cannot read it from this blog afterwards) hehe...ok..i'm gonna clarify the next paragraph..
I choose to be a human race instead of the race i was born with becoz i dun agreed with the term race since its like divided or segregate people in different class which known as race..and by doing so...its make some race's extremist to proclaimed that their race is better than others..which for me its wrong YEAP its WRONG..coz my religion do teach me thats RACISM is its mentioned that "I'M CREATING HUMAN BEING IN DIFFERENT RACES, COLORS NOT FOR THEM TO KILLING AND FIGHTING EACH OTHERS, BUT FOR THEM TO LOVES AND TO BE FRIENDS WHICH EACH OTHERS" its clearly stated there thats its actually wrong to have a racism inside u or better to have a nationalism about ur race in ur heart and me as i claimed myself as MUSLIM...for me to have a racism in me its just wrong and same goes to all people out here who claimed to be a MUSLIMS..since according to Syeikh AbdalKadir As-suffi.."A MUSLIMS SHOULD NOT HAVE A RACE AND NATIONS POLARISATION, AND IF THEY DO THEY AREN'T MUSLIMS ENOUGH".....and dun forget that our Beloved prophet Muhammad S.A.W/P.B.U.H was sent to eliminates the Assabiyah in the Arabs society by that time! what is Assabiyah??..its actually have an equal meaning to is it wrong for me since i claimed my self to be Muslim to claimed that i'm not belongs to any race except human n race??..
to all none Muslims who actually read this articles sorry i dun meant to preach u about my religion...thats the firs reason why i'm not a MALAY..
second reason..why i hate/reject the ideas of race is becoz..the by polarise people to different race it will make each race try to distinguish that their race is superior than others while..for me i dun polarised them into different race but more to different others word i'm rejecting the concept of race as i believe all human are same the one thats distinguish them from others is not their color, not their race but their culture..YEAH CULTURE...why CULTURE..the reason why i choose culture is because CULTURE is sumthing that very abstract and becoz its very abstract ones cannot say their culture is better than others because of its abstract same goes to arts no one in this world can say the music they listening is better than by rejecting the concept of race i have to clarify here i'm not rejecting the variety culture represent by each human in this world...
so as Conclusion, what can i concluded here
  • i'm not a anyone out there who try to talk to me about the bulls crap called Malays Power, Malays Pride or anything about Malay to me..u can take all that craps to hell..or u can shove it in ur ass! coz i'm not interested
  • i do believe in the variety of culture representing by each human so dun asking my opinion about which culture its better than others..coz the moment u asking me that question its shows that u dun understand the meaning of the word called culture and the abstract underlying in the culture its self..
  • yeah i'm a racist..i'm a racist to all race in this world as they greatly failed to understand they despite all those different in color, race, language, inside they are still the same entity which is HUMAN..which breath the same oxygen, and bled the same blood -red blood..
  • so i hope u people out there hopefully u guys do understand that being a racist wont bring u wont make u smarter or better..but make u more stupid coz u failed to understand the similarity within all human...but if u try to understand about others culture it will help u to be more smarter and more knowledgeable...
thats all....owh yeah the title of this article actually taken and modified from the book by Bertrand Russell.."why I am A Rationalist"....

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