Sunday, May 18, 2008

Police & my personal Drugs War

dunno whats wrong with today i saw and involve in the event that sumhow make me wonder..What wrong with this country??...
today..earlier today 18 May 2008..everything went ok and normal..since today i feel so lazy to do anything..hmm coz think about it i do deserve a rest sumtimes hahaha...
ok the event that make my day today was..first after my maghrib (dawn) i was waiting for my friends near my place as we gonna went to have our routine while i'm waiting i saw one uncle cycling..and while he cycling..suddenly got one guy look like sum hustler stop him and suddenly the uncle took out sumthing out from his bicycle basket and give it to that guy..
i started to feel one kind then suddenly i remember the uncle actually the person who many time his place got rush becoz he is sum kind of ganja pusher in my place there..coz he is knows as APEK GANJA.. and i still remember when i was still kids..i always saw police come to his place to search for the evidence..and for your information..this apek got once sundry shop but the best part is his sundry shop is n ot profitable at all..since its only have few stuff only and he have to fight with 2 more sundry shops which many majority hmm around 99.9% people in my place will go instead of his shop..and the funny part is he been able to survive becoz if his side business...ganja....
second event...after finish our dinner me and my friends went to Gurney food court to have sum fruits juice and while we were talking, drinking and listening to the pirated CD (since they put many oldies songs)..and out of nowhere i saw two police and i can see the pirated CD's seller rush to the police (its obvious what they discussed rite?)....and as "pirate" rush back to the table..i was looking at him and guess what he just smile as if he was saying.."hey chill..just enjoy ur drink"...pwh yeah his bikes number if i not mistakes it PFN 961 or PGF 961..can't recall the words but the most i remeber is the number 961...and after the pirates went to him and give him sumthing which i guess sums DVDs and maybe sum money ...the two policeman chow to sumwhere else...maybe u out there will ask what..if the pirates give/bribes the cops..its normal what...yeah its normal but the thing which i wanna highlights is not about the bribes..but more to the reason the policeman shows up there is not to enforce the law but actually he just want to take advantage using the power enforce to him and since he is wearing a police uniform..its more likely a power abuse in order to get free DVDs..what a cheapskate..and right after that only me and my friend was thinking like arghh we should take the picture but too bad since our phone is not a good camera device to capture the offences...hmm at least it give us sum ideas to carry the better camera to capture the moment hehhe...
Third accident..while me and my friend was paddling we saw some suspicious act well actually more to drugs activities as back to one month ago..we saw drugs trafficking activities there and today we saw drugs taking feel lile shit..they actually do drugs here..and i feel like "argh its time to start me personal Drugs War...and this time make it what i we went to the nearest police this is my first time logged a police report..i was telling them about the activities and any details about the place..but after all the report and story telling they suddenly told me that actually that area is not under their jurisdiction since its been separated by the river..i was like WTF?? order to stop crimes also got some boundary which call territory..but one of the officer promise me that they will call the police station which in charge of the area..Patani Road police station..that also after i'm"owh so i have to logged report there la..instead here"..although i'm not convince with his word but least i have do sumthing...maybe by logged a report make them do sum works instead of lepak..and called people who entered the stations as TALIBAN..(which referring to me..i think one of the policeman is a face-ist*) understand the word face-ist..refer to the footnote of this article. and let say if next month i saw the same activities i'll not hesitate to go to the main Police Station to logged a report about that and on the same time complaining about the efficiency of the policeman in the Datuk Keramat police station..
so as conclusion in this articles....i'm not sure either after all this incident occurs today...will make me either respect to police or otherwise since based on the second incident the abuse of power and enforcement...and i myslef can't believe that i actually went to police station to logged a report since ll this while i thought that its no use to logged a report since not say they gonna believe in what ever i told them..but at least today i try hopefully this first attempt will change my perception on logged police report and helping the do their jobs... .okey thats all..till next article....thanx for reading it...

* the meaning of face-ist actually coined by one of my college mate back in 2006..its actually more derive from the word face and its actually same with racist..but if racist refer to act or insults againts other race..while face-ist more to insult against people based on their face and looks...

1 comment:

Je suis un combattant said...

i'm not sure either after all this incident occurs today...will make me either respect to police or otherwise since based on the second incident the abuse of power and enforcement...

Because of this sentence..It had attract me to leave some comment..i do understand ur frustration but as a daughter whose her father is a policeman, i felt offended if u lose respect on police just because of this single event.still above all u'll never know how much hard work had the other policeman put in order to curb this.

i am saying this not just bcoz my dad is a policeman..but open up ur mind..police war?!!! wow, i think we need lots of time to argue to each other(again)..hehehe