so in this entry I'll write down about the funny thing that always plays on my mind when every time i saw a Muslims (well at least that's what they called themselves) ..smoking...
hmm waht so funny about muslim who's smoking??..well there a lot of funny shit that we can talk about such as...first of all..SMOKING in ISLAM is HARAM (forbidden) which means anything HARAM can leads to the HIGHWAY TO HELL hehe..
Why in Islam smoking is ruling out to be HARAM..well first of all..its obviously harmful to health..which can causes cancer and based on some hadeeth which say that's "anything that can harm yourself is haram"
second why it is haram..because its not only affected the smoker itself but also the people around them in which we called a secondhand smokers and yeap most of us without we realise we are actually been killed slowly by those who smokes around we want to die because of the thing that we never do (smoking)..can u believe that those bastard who smokes are enjoying every puff they takes but when comes to consequences its take us together...they enjoy it alone but drag people around to suffer with them so think is it FAIR????
ok back to the topic why i say its funny whit when I saw person who claimed to be Muslim but smoking..i tell u why....they said they cannot eat pork because it is Haram but on the same time they can smoke a cigarettes..tell me whats the different???..both are Haram..
that's why sometimes I always argue with those smokers on why don't u eat pork or buy any Bak Kut Teh since u smoking rite so whats the different...hahaah
Second thing...imagine if u ask all the Muslims around here in Malasial..what do they think about the War in Palestine..for sure they will said that they support the Palestine and also they will tell you how much they hate the Zionist Regime which according to them is killing a lot of Palestine (yeap i agreed on that's) but the funny part is..they SMOKES...either they stupid or naive or even dun have any brain that they are actually funding the supporting the tobacco industries they are actually fuelling the Zionist to kill more Palestine and yet they said they support Palestine??..Tell me whats the fucking different in that's....Hate the Zionist Occupation but supporting the murderer of thousand Palestinian...
because of all this sometimes its hard for me to accept the advice or even a words from people who tried to talk to me about ISLAM but they themselves smoking....seriously for me SMOKING IS A CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY!!
SO in short let me put it this way i said SMOKING IS A CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY:
- Harmful for the smokers itself (heart problem, stroke) -slowly but surely
- They affected other around them causes from the people around to suffer lungs cancer, acute breathing problems,
- They funded the war - funding the Zionist Acts in killing more and more Palestinians
- They makes the Children believe that smoking makes u cool and matured faster - THE LIES THAT THEY WANT PEOPLE TO SWALLOW
- The exploitation of Women since most women being used in the advertisement..
So if those who are reading this entry..PLEASE..PLEASE STOPS SMOKING....
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