Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Curb petrol hike???..Change the OLD MAN!

Well its might be to late for me to discuss about this matter (petrol price hike!)...yeah it might be to late since i only know about this issues is when i'm came back from Thailand...yeah..so the price now officially RM2.70...which again for Malas-nya Government..its still cheap compare to other country..well got one word for that statement..BULLSHIT!..well it is true it is completely BULLSHIT....
well yeah it might seems like we pay a little bit cheap compare to our neighbours which is SINGAPORE or even THAILAND..but the problems is we are the oil produced country while these two countries next to us is not... and another interesting facts the price might seems cheap but compare with the per capita income (average household income) which if i not mistake for malaysian our anual average income percapita is USD5000 and compare to our neighbour singapore it is USD25000..hmm can say 5 times more than us..and although we paid rm2.70 and they pay rm5.20 per litre..(look like our one cheap rite?) but how about money value who have the highest value?..so think about it this government keep continuing lie to us!! and we also so stupid enough to be fool by those monkeys (wait monkeys is better than them)...
anyway as usual after all the increase...the government through its propaganda media starts to put on air how people should change their lifestyle..how people should spend their money wisely..and how to be savvy in their daily spending...arghh cut those crap...as usual the people should do everything have to cut everything while those bunch of OLD MAN in the MALASIAL government...using all people money to funding their lust, shopping. drinking..travelling and celebrating..oh yeah they have cut it down 10% for the elauns..wow such a good government we have rite??..again BULLSHIT...PM elaun itself RM18865 and if cut 10% he still have RM16978.50!!!..still a lot of money that also if its only PM imagine he is also Finance Minister so add up all up to u to count (refer to UTUSAN MALASIAL here )..so who earned more???...why cant we find at least one Prime Minister who is like Ahmadinejad the prime minister of Iran that know the he was elected as Prime Minister are by his people so in a way he is actually working for the people...but our government is making the people as their slave instead of working with the people....
i'm so sick and tired of the MALASIAL government and all those buch of loser in the lines..seriously and about most malaysian they can't seem bother with the situation worse come to worse they make noise for one week and after that...ah..what to do..government tried their best...WTF???..government tried their best????..they not even try to do anything to curb the hike b'coz if they do so how can they make MORE money.....
come on people think about it...you are not stupid to be fools by those lime ass old fart in the government...come one start to do sumthing well at least shows to them they malaysian do care about the price hike and if can i want to see the situation like INDONESIA or PHILIPINES when they having a rally to urges government to curb the issues....

but i dun expect much coz as we know majority MALAYSIAN are MALAS, INGNORANCE, SCARED, BACUL and being too HANG TUAH! a little MALAYSIAN can be consider JEBAT or KASTURI! ..thats all...

p/s: i recieved one email how to curb the issues of petrol price which consit of all 20 list things to do..and the best part all 20 steps in the list suggest the same thing which is CHANGE GOVERNMENT!!

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